10 Staging Tips to Sell Luxury Golf Course Homes

Here's a quick guide to staging luxury golf course homes for a faster sale at a higher price:

  1. Maximize golf course views
  2. Create an outdoor oasis
  3. Depersonalize and declutter
  4. Highlight unique home features
  5. Set up a stylish home office
  6. Make the master bedroom luxurious
  7. Use strategic lighting
  8. Add high-end accents
  9. Create a welcoming entryway
  10. Showcase smart home technology
Benefit Impact
Higher sale price 1.3% spent on staging can increase price by 7.1%
Faster sales 3-30 times quicker than unstaged homes
Better offers 44% of agents saw higher offers for staged homes

Key staging focuses:

  • Show off golf course views
  • Create flow between indoor and outdoor spaces
  • Use neutral colors and remove personal items
  • Highlight luxury features and finishes
  • Add tasteful golf-themed accents

Good staging helps buyers envision living in the home and emphasizes the exclusive golf course lifestyle.

1. Maximize the Golf Course View

When staging a luxury golf course home, the view is your main selling point. Here's how to make the most of it:

Action Purpose
Remove heavy curtains Show off the golf course scenery
Position furniture towards windows Draw attention to the view
Set up small seating areas Highlight different viewing spots
Keep decor simple Avoid distracting from the view

Tips for showcasing the view:

  1. Open windows: Use light curtains or leave windows bare to show the golf course.

  2. Arrange furniture: Place seating to face windows, guiding eyes to the view.

  3. Create viewing spots: Add small seating areas near windows or on balconies.

  4. Simplify decor: Use neutral items that don't block or compete with the view.

2. Create an Outdoor Oasis

When staging a luxury golf course home, making the outdoor space look great is key. Here's how to turn your yard into a beautiful oasis:

1. Improve the Landscaping

Keep your lawn neat and tidy. Trim bushes and remove weeds. Add some colorful plants to make the yard look nice.

2. Show Off Special Features

Make sure buyers see the best parts of your outdoor space:

Feature How to Show It Off
Fire pit Put comfy chairs around it
Pool Add nice lounge chairs and umbrellas
Outdoor kitchen Set it up with good grilling tools

3. Use Good Lighting

Outdoor lights make your home look better and safer. Try these ideas:

  • Put lights under trees and near the house
  • Use small lights along walkways
  • Light up water features or statues

4. Make Cozy Seating Areas

Set up nice places for people to sit outside. Use good outdoor furniture and add soft pillows and blankets that can handle the weather.

5. Clean and Fix Things

Make sure everything outside looks clean and works well:

  • Use a pressure washer on decks, patios, and walkways
  • Fix any broken fences, decks, or other outdoor items

3. Make the Home Look Plain and Not Personal

When getting a luxury golf course home ready to sell, it's important to make it look plain and not too personal. This helps buyers picture themselves living there without getting distracted by the current owner's things.

Here's how to make your luxury home look plain and not personal:

1. Use Simple Colors

Paint walls and choose big furniture in simple colors like:

Color How It Looks
Light brown Warm and welcoming
Light gray New and fancy
Off-white Clean and big
Tan Nice and fits with many styles

2. Take Away Personal Things

Pack up family pictures, special items, and unusual art. These things can make it hard for buyers to see the house as their own.

3. Clean Up and Make Space

Get rid of extra furniture and decorations to make the house look bigger and cleaner. This helps show off the house's good parts and lets buyers focus on what they like.

4. Add Small, Nice Touches

While keeping things simple, add a few fancy items that fit with living on a golf course. Try nice pillows, simple golf pictures, or pretty vases with fresh flowers.

4. Show Off Special House Features

When getting a luxury golf course home ready to sell, it's important to highlight the home's special parts. These can be big selling points for buyers who want something extra nice.

Here's how to show off the home's special features:

  1. Use Good Lighting: Put lights in the right places to show off things like high ceilings, nice woodwork, or pretty trim. Good lighting can make these parts look even better.

  2. Make Important Parts Stand Out: In each room, find the best part and set up furniture to point to it. For example, put chairs facing a nice fireplace or hang curtains to frame a pretty window.

  3. Show Off Fancy Extras: Make sure to highlight the special things that go with living on a golf course. Here are some ideas:

Special Room How to Show It Off
Movie Room Set up comfy chairs and add some golf pictures
Small Golf Green Keep it neat and add some good golf clubs
Nice Office Put out some golf books and fancy furniture
  1. Show How Inside and Outside Connect: If the house has big sliding doors or an open layout that goes to the yard, set these areas up to show how easy it is to go from inside to outside.

5. Set Up a Nice Home Office or Study

In today's market, a good home office or study is important for luxury golf course homes. Many buyers want a place to work that's also close to where they play. Here's how to make this room look great:

1. Pick the Right Spot

Choose a quiet area with lots of light. If you can, pick a room with a view of the golf course. If you don't have a separate room, use furniture to make a work area in a bigger room.

2. Use Good Furniture

Pick nice furniture that fits a luxury home:

Item What to Choose
Desk Big, nice wood desk
Chair Comfy leather chair
Bookcase Built-in shelves or nice free-standing ones
Other Items Pretty lamp, art, or clock

3. Make the Lighting Good

Use both ceiling lights and desk lamps. Put the desk where there's lots of natural light, but not where the sun will shine on computer screens.

4. Add Some Fancy Touches

Put in some nice extras:

  • Matching desk items made of marble or wood
  • Nice wallpaper or a soft rug in light colors
  • Some golf pictures or items (but not too many)

5. Have Enough Storage

Add shelves, a nice file cabinet, or pretty baskets. This keeps the room tidy and shows how the space can be both useful and nice-looking.


6. Make the Master Bedroom Look Great

The master bedroom is very important when selling luxury golf course homes. Here's how to make it look amazing:

  1. Make It Feel Like a Nice Hotel

Turn the master bedroom into a golfer's dream:

  • Put in a big bed with green curtains around it
  • Add a soft green rug that looks like grass
  • Put a few golf things around the room, but not too many
  1. Use Nice Fabrics

Add fancy fabrics to make the room look and feel better:

Fabric Where to Put It
Soft blanket On a long chair
Smooth pillows On the bed
Soft cushions On a seat by the window
  1. Set Up the Room Well

Put furniture in good spots:

  • Point the bed towards any golf course views
  • Add chairs near windows to enjoy the view
  • Make sure it's easy to walk around the room
  1. Show Off Storage Space

Let buyers see there's lots of room for golf stuff:

  • Show a big closet with space for golf clothes and clubs
  • Add shelves to display golf trophies or special items

7. Use Good Lighting

Good lighting is very important when getting luxury golf course homes ready to sell. It makes the home look better and shows off its best parts. Here's how to use lighting well:

  1. Use Different Types of Lights

    • Main lights for the whole room
    • Smaller lights for specific areas (like kitchen counters or reading spots)
    • Special lights to show off nice walls or art
  2. Add Smart Lights

    • Put in lights you can control with your phone
    • Use lights you can turn on by talking
    • Show how these lights can save energy
  3. Let in Lots of Natural Light

    • Use thin curtains to let sunlight in
    • Put mirrors in good spots to make rooms brighter
    • Keep windows clean so they let in more light
  4. Choose Nice-Looking Lights

Room Type of Light
Entry or dining room Pretty hanging lights
All over the house Small lights in the ceiling
Living areas Nice table and floor lamps

8. Add Nice Extras to Make the Home Look Better

Adding fancy items to a luxury golf course home can make it more appealing to buyers. These items can make the home look more expensive and special. Here's how to add nice extras:

  1. Use Good Fabrics: Put soft pillows, nice curtains, and good rugs in the rooms. Choose fabrics like silk or velvet in colors that look good with the golf course views.

  2. Add Special Items: Put up golf pictures or small statues. You can also show off golf balls in nice cases or old golf clubs as decorations.

  3. Use Shiny Things: Add items with metal finishes, like picture frames or vases. Mix different materials like glass, metal, and wood to make rooms look interesting.

  4. Pay Attention to Small Things: Use nice items throughout the house. Here are some ideas:

Room Nice Extras to Add
Study Fancy bookends
Living Room Pretty coasters
Master Bathroom Nice soap dishes and towels

These small touches can make the whole house feel more fancy and well-put-together.

9. Create a Welcoming Entryway

The entryway of a luxury golf course home sets the mood for the whole property. Here's how to make a good first impression:

1. Use good lighting: Mix different lights to make the area warm and inviting. Use:

Light Type Where to Put It
Big hanging light In the center of the ceiling
Table lamps On side tables or consoles
Wall lights Along the walls

2. Add a nice table: Put a pretty table against the wall. Put some nice things on it and leave room for home info.

3. Hang a big mirror: Put a large mirror on the wall to make the space look bigger and brighter. Choose a frame that looks good with the rest of the house.

4. Use good flooring: Pick strong, nice-looking floors that can handle lots of people walking on them. Good choices are:

  • Hardwood
  • Marble
  • Nice tiles

5. Add fancy touches: Put in things that make the space look expensive:

Item Why It's Good
Fresh flowers Makes the area smell nice and look pretty
Nice pictures Adds something interesting to look at
Soft rug Makes the floor comfy and marks the entryway
Comfy bench Gives people a place to sit and take off shoes

These tips will help make the entryway look nice and feel welcoming to people coming to see the house.

10. Show Off Smart Home Features

In luxury golf course homes, smart home technology is now very important. Showing these features can make buyers more interested. Here's how to do it:

Feature What It Does
Smart Lights Change room mood, save energy
Smart Security Watch your home from anywhere
Smart Temperature Set comfort levels, save money
Smart Appliances Make life easier, work better
Voice Control Control things by talking

To show these features when selling:

  1. Put a main control screen in an easy-to-see spot. This could be a wall panel or tablet that shows all the home's smart systems.

  2. Show buyers how to use the smart home features. Let them see how easy it is to control lights, heat, and security with a phone or by talking.

  3. Point out how smart devices can save money. Things like smart thermostats and automatic blinds can lower energy bills.

  4. Make sure all smart devices work well. Buyers won't like smart technology if it doesn't work right when they see it.


Staging luxury golf course homes well can help sell them faster and for more money. Here's why it's important:

Benefit Details
Higher sale price Spending 1.3% on staging can lead to a 7.1% increase in sale price
Faster sales Staged homes sell 3-30 times faster than non-staged ones
Better buyer interest 44% of buyer's agents saw higher offers for staged homes

Good staging does more than just make a home look nice:

  • It shows off the best parts of the house
  • It helps buyers picture living there
  • It makes the golf course view stand out

Staging is extra helpful for expensive homes:

  • Only 15.5% of homes are affordable for most families
  • 8.2% of homes cost over $1 million

Why staging works:

  • 81% of buyers' agents say it helps buyers see the home as their own
  • Over 25% of buyers might ignore small problems if a home looks good


How to stage a high end home?

When getting a luxury golf course home ready to sell, focus on making it look nice and showing off its best parts. Here are some main tips:

  1. Make space and clean up: Remove extra furniture and personal items. This makes rooms look bigger and helps buyers picture themselves living there.

  2. Use simple colors: Paint walls and choose big furniture in neutral colors. This looks nice and appeals to many buyers.

  3. Show off special features: Make sure people notice things like nice architecture and golf course views. Keep curtains open to show the scenery.

  4. Add fancy touches: Use nice decorations, art, and lights to make the home look expensive.

  5. Fix up outdoor areas: Make patios and balconies look good to show how nice it is to spend time outside in a golf course home.

Area What to Do
Inside Remove clutter, use neutral colors, highlight special features
Outside Clean up yard, set up nice seating areas, show off views
Decorations Add high-quality items, but keep it simple
Lighting Use different types of lights to make rooms look good
Personal items Put away family photos and personal things

These tips will help make the home look its best and appeal to buyers looking for a luxury golf course property.

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